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Your Second City = Resource City, And heres a plan...
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Posted: May 14 2010, 01:39 AM

Group: Cult
Posts: 1515
Member No.: 97
Joined: 18-January 01

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This is your RESOURCE city not your CASTLE city so DON'T CASTLE THIS CITY even though it shows a castle.

Focus your efforts on the middle. Lay out what buildings you can to begin with in the middle even if they border the wrong resources STICK TO THE LAYOUT. Once you've maxxed your buildings start destroying any resources in the center, inner-wall area.

The outside areas you can do what you want. Keep in mind you want to have good gold/hr on this city too, so harbors + townhouses are a good idea.

Tech up your COTTAGES to level 5 asap but don't completely ignore your resource buildings. You just want to get your construction speed up to 1000% ASAP.

You want to save 6 buildings at least for HIDEOUTS that will protect the majority of your resources incase you get plundered.

Last but very important-- if you have good resource spots on the outside, build some resource buildings there too. The more the better.

So, on the outside area, only build resources if they are touching at least 4 resource spots, otherwise don't bother.

So for instance, if there is a half-square of trees and you can build a woodcutters hut touching 4 trees, go ahead and do it.

Keep in mind also-- every resource building (woodcutter hut, rock quarry, iron mine) should have a cottage and the appropriate mill (lumber mill, stone mason, iron refinery) touching it. This helps BIG time on resourcing.

You don't need ANY troops here. Not even city guards. Your hideouts will do the job of protecting your resources and since you aren't castling you can only be plundered.

And finally, you do not need to upgrade your walls beyond level 2 and you will only want to build LOOKOUT towers if anything in order to see if a raid is coming your way.

Hope that helps,


//- Phire
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